No philosophy papers blog today

No philosophy papers blog today because there were no new papers to report. Again. Greg Restall moved one of his papers from to be published to published, which is mostly relevant I guess if you think anything on dead trees is out of date. (A mistaken view, in this particular case at least.)

Via Atrios, this is a disturbing story of attacks on the home of a Houston woman who committed the shameful crime of being French. At the end of the story there was a mention of a proposal to change the name of the French Quarter in New Orleans. But it already is the liberty quarter, or at least libertine.

Jonathan Bennett’s book on conditionals arrived today, so that’s another possible distraction from writing the vagueness book. Too many distractions. (Note the link takes you somewhere where it isn’t yet available. I’m not immediately sure where you can find it online, and I’m too lazy to look it up since, as said, I have the book.)

In the art gallery next door to my office (fond of that phrase) there is a giant sculpture made almost entirely of snack food. The smell is almost as striking as the visual impression. The sculpture is unwatched in the foyer, and as I was coming out of the building I saw someone snacking on some of the jelly beans. It seemed almost appropriate in the circumstances. But maybe I’m just too attached to audience interaction.