
As Brian Leiter noted, I just got a job offer from Cornell. This is pretty exciting stuff – Cornell is a great department (in my totally unbiased opinion). I’d start spouting advice about how prospective grad students in X, Y or Z should seriously consider applying to Cornell because of the quality of the faculty in those areas, but that advice would be of dubious objectivity right now.

Of course Brown is a great department too, and it should also be on your list of schools to apply to!

Just two quibbles with Brian’s note though. He doubly underestimated the extent of my campaign to have no area of speciality whatsoever, as illustrated by:

(with Sarah McGrath) Cloning and Harm.
(with Andy Egan) Prankster’s Ethics.

Keynes and Wittgenstein.

Admittedly all those papers are unpublished, though hopefully they are all en route to that destination.

Despite the title, there’s actually remarkably little Wittgenstein in the history paper, it’s really all about Keynes, and about how (contrary to some recent suggestions) there is little evidence there is that Wittgenstein’s return to Cambridge influenced his views on probability.

While pottering around Brian’s site, I found another grad student blog: the mumblings of a platonist. It looks interesting, but on my browser the font was too small to comfortably read it. It’s (I think) the only grad student blog I know focussing on history of philosophy, and I’m always pleased to see niches like this being filled.