Over on “Certain Doubts”:http://www.missouri.edu/~kvanvigj/certain_doubts/, Jon Kvanvig posed “the following question”:http://bengal.missouri.edu/~kvanvigj/certain_doubts/index.php?p=51
bq. [W]hat are the three most important developments in epistemology over the last quarter century?
Jon framed that as a party-question, and it’s one party-question we could ask. But here at TAR we set out sights even more abstractly. As in questions like
bq. What are the three most important developments in philosophy over the last quarter century?
Perhaps that’s a reasonable question to ask, but even I think it’s a little broad. So what about instead.
bq. [W]hat are the three most important developments in metaphysics&epistemology (broadly construed to include mind and language) over the last quarter century?
I actually have reasons for asking, as well as (weakly held) opinions on what some of the answers should be. But I might follow Jon’s lead and hold off on saying these until there’s a bit of a discussion thread going.