Odds and Ends

I was hopinig to not be one of those people who teach Wittgenstein by going into detail about what thoughts they’d had on a single paragraph. So today in class we managed to at least start on paragraph 2 after spending only _almost_ all the class on paragraph 1.

It would be nice to spend a large part of the APA at the “Starlight”:http://www.harrydenton.com/homepage.htm. But I’d also like to have money left when I come back home. It’s a tough call.

“Liverpool”:http://football.guardian.co.uk/Match_Report/0,1527,1434222,00.html?gusrc=rss is through to the quarter finals of the Champions League! Now if only they could play this well in the Premiership.

“John Perry on religion and law”:http://philosophytalk.typepad.com/blog/2005/03/random_thoughts.html – It’s rather nice to think of Justice Thomas looking out at the one about not covetting they neighbor’s wife as he ponders deep issues. Of course, he tends to be a strict constructionist, and its dubious that any of the women on the porno flicks he liked to watch were wives of neighbors. So maybe it doesn’t bother him.

If you’re a baseball geek you’ll love this post by David Pinto on “graphical representation of range”:http://www.baseballmusings.com/archives/008526.php. Half of me wants the Red Sox to offer Pinto a job – the other half hopes he’ll keep putting out stuff like this for free.

The server for the poll was down for large chunks of the day, which might explain why we got so few votes in. Anyhow, 24 votes for unconditional move, 14 for moving if recovering the cancellation fee, and 16 for not moving. Thanks to everyone who participated.