
My brother Scott is in a band called ‘Hennessey’. (Actually he’s in several bands, and one of them is called ‘Hennessey’.) And that band is currently in an “online band competition”:http://soundcheck.ninemsn.com.au/charts.jsp?fvChart=allbyartist&fvCurPage=9 with the chance of eventually getting a major recording deal. If you click “this link”:http://soundcheck.ninemsn.com.au/charts.jsp?fvChart=allbyartist&fvCurPage=10 you can be taken to the competition webpage where their song is the first one that comes up. If you click on the band’s (not spectacularly rock-star looking) photo a popup window will open that lets you listen to their song ‘Honourman’ and vote for it out of 5. Any votes (even low votes, but we’d much prefer high votes!) would be gratefully appreciated.

They also have another song “Walking to You” in the competition at the bottom of “this page”:http://soundcheck.ninemsn.com.au/charts.jsp?fvChart=allbyartist&fvCurPage=9 which you can also vote for. I get the impression the band likes that song more, and it certainly sounds better to me, but currently the wisdom of crowds suggests “Honourman” is the better song. You can judge for yourself how good each of the songs is, and vote for them separately. Vote early and often.