The January 2006 edition of “SGRP”: (Symposia on Gender, Race and Philosophy) has been published. “SGRP”: features panel discussions of prominent papers on, as the title suggests, gender, race and philosophy. The papers discussed in this edition are:
* Elizabeth Anderson, “Uses of Value Judgments in Feminist Social Science: A Case Study of Research on Divorce” (Hypatia 19:1 (2004): 1-24.), with comments from Linda Alcoff, Sharyn Clough, Marianne Janack and Charles Mills
* Anita Superson, “Privilege, Immorality, and Responsibility for Attending to the “Facts about Humanity”” (Journal of Social Philosophy, v. 35, n. 1 2004, pp. 34-55), with comments from Louise Antony, Stephen Darwall, Laurence Thomas and Jennifer Uleman