New Papers, Comments Changes, etc

I’ve updated my “papers page”: for the first time in a while. The main highlight is “The Asymmetric Magnets Problem”:, which systematises and updates some of the stuff I’ve been thinking about intrinsicness and quantity. It started life as a fairly small problem, and small paper, but as the number of things that need to be said in order to solve the problem seemed to grow, so did the paper. So it is now a fairly ambitious piece, much more than I expected it to be.

Because I’m going to be offline for a while, I’ve closed down the comments threads. This is partially to stop the spammers, and partially to stop cowards who like leaving anonymous defamatory comments around here. I do wish that such lowlifes would get their own websites. (It would make my life easier if they also got a life, but I don’t wish for that; I’m perfectly happy for them to stay miserable.)

While I was tinkering with the website, I also put on a slightly updated version of my “CV”:, though the research interests are still rather out of date.

Closing down comments just a temporary move – regular features will be resumed shortly.