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A few things to promote while we deal with the joy from seeing another Yankees season end unsuccessfully.

* Alex Doonesbury is now attending MIT, and as “Kai von Fintel points out”: that means the Stata Center is now immortalised in a comic strip.

* “Brian Leiter reports”: that Nous and PPR are not accepting new submissions for six months. I’m rather disappointed in this news for several reasons, but I guess we’ll just have to live with it.

* “Flinders University researchers report”: that if you don’t sleep in on weekends, you feel better on Mondays and Tuesdays.

* If you are in the United States, the “deadlines to register to vote”: are coming up soon. Several of us around here at TAR have no voting rights at all, but it would be a shame if TAR readers were non-voters too.

Finally, this is one of the funnier Daily Show segments I’ve seen for a while.