I’ll be presenting a paper called “The Bayesian and the Dogmatist”:http://brian.weatherson.org/tbatd.pdf (PDF) at a bunch of places over the next few months. The version there is a talk version, which is very rough around the edges. But I hope it’s interesting. It certainly draws together more of the different things I’ve worked on in the past than anything else I’ve done.
“Dave Chalmers”:http://fragments.consc.net/djc/2006/10/more_people_wit.html posted a long list the other day of additions to his list of people with online papers in philosophy. There are a lot of good links there, but I was particularly happy to see that “Lloyd Humberstone”:http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/phil/department/humberstone/ has an online papers page. There is a ton of interesting material there to work through, and the rewards for so working are very high indeed.
“Online Papers in Philosophy”:http://philosophy.jollyutter.net/opp/, which I used to run, is running as well as ever (probably better) under its new home at Jonathan Ichikawa’s site. Here is its “RSS feed”:feed:http://philosophy.jollyutter.net/opp/?feed=rss2. He has forms set up for suggesting corrections and additions to the site, so feel free to go and help out if you’re so inclined.
Finally, here are three new St Andrews related blogs.
* “Metaphysical Values”:http://metaphysicalvalues.blogspot.com/ by Ross Cameron, Robbie Williams and Andrew McGonigal (and perhaps others?)
* “Plurality of Words”:http://andreasstokke.blogspot.com/ by Andrewas Stokke
* “Nothing of Consequence”:http://notofcon.blogspot.com/ by Ole Thomassen Hjortland
Now if only they’d have RSS feeds, I could keep track of some more British philosophy!