There’s been a David Chalmers sighting on Instapundit. Traffic
to his site should crash the University of Arizona system by mid-afternoon.

On a related note, my Sims
, which I first started thinking about after reading something else on
Instapundit, got a positive sounding revise and resubmit today! Whether this
means a publication, I don’t know, but it is progress.

On principle I’d rather not link to sites as
conservative as Instapundit, but it’s a bit childish to not mention things that
are philosophically interesting just because they may be, to a greater or
lesser degree, politically distasteful. (Just reading that over, it seems to
imply that I have childish principles but I’m ‘mature’ enough to disobey them.
Not the best state to be in perhaps, but not the worst either.)