Let me mention one other objection to the indifference
principle Adam defends in his Dr Evil paper.
Imagine that Dakota is duplicated infinitely many times, so she has a countable
infinity of epistemic duplicates. Let F0 be the property of
being Dakota, and for all integers n, Fn the property
of being the nth duplicate. Then according to INDIFFERENCE, Dakotas
credence that she satisfies Fi should be identical for all
non-negative integers i. Since there are infinitely many such properties,
and they are exclusive, this means that either (a) her degree of belief that
she satisfies a particular Fi must be 0, or (b) that degree
of belief must be some kind of infinitesimal. If (a) then we have a violation
of countable additivity, for Dakotas credence that she is either F0
or F1 or
is 1. So INDIFFERENCE either implies violations of
countable additivity, or it implies the existence of certain distinctive kinds
of infinitesimal valued degrees of belief. Neither of these are disastrous
options, but neither is perfectly happy either.