Believe it or not, the

Believe it or not, the following is the transcript
of an ad that the office of drug control is running on television.

— It’s a ploy,
said Nick.
     — What? asked Norm.
     — This drug money funds terror, it’s
a ploy.
     — A ploy?
     — A manipulation.
     — Ploy?
     — Drug money funds terror; why should
I believe that?
     — Because it’s a fact.
     — A fact.
     — F-A-C-T fact.
     — So you’re saying I should believe
it because it’s true. That’s your argument?
     — It is true.
     Nick stares blankly at Norm. Norm
thought it was because Nick had realised the error of his way.

OK the last line is interpretation of mine, but the
rest is really a transcript. I’m not sure whether I’m more annoyed that tax
dollars are spent on this, or that some of my TV time is taken up with it.