The daily papers are posted.

The daily papers are posted. Surprisingly, there was a new edition of a journal published over the weekend. The only other news was Keith DeRose had one of his papers translated into Dutch, which might not be overly exciting for every reader here, but it’s a slow news day.

I decided to end the vagueness experiment. The counters ended up reading that 189 people hit the page for keeping the same answer to the question when asked twice, and 46 hit the page for changing your answer. Both those numbers are a little high, because page hits included people swimming around the site after taking the experiment. So roughly there were 180-185 people who gave the ‘same answer’ answer and 35-40 who gave the ‘different answer’ answer. The contextualist prediction was verified in about 15-20% of cases. I have no idea how I will incorporate this ‘data’ into a paper on the Sorites.

Non-philosophical rant. Does anyone know where to find a decent site providing Cricket World Cup scores? The official site is utterly hopeless – best case scenario is that their scoreboards are 10-15 minutes behind the action. Cricinfo is doing something I never thought possible: providing even slower page loads than they had inthe past. And I’m not sure where else to look. Of course, audio coverage online would be good, and I’d even pay a small fee for it, but I can’t find that anywhere. The only way to get TV coverage is to get Dish Network (which I’m not sure is available where I live) and then pay $299 for the PPV rights. There is a company providing streaming video over the net but (a) even it’s $149 and (b) they aren’t offering it in America. I am becoming a little sceptical of the whole global village propaganda. End of rant.