In the daily papers I noted that a new preprint, Ruth Weintraubs The Time of a Killing had been added. Its a fun paper, and well worth reading, although those especially interested in the area might like to compare its central thesis with Kent Bachs Actions are not Events, from Mind 1980, which includes a somewhat similar theory. (See esp pg 5 of the linked PDF.) Id think that Weintraubs paper should at least cite Bachs, and probably should say something about the extent of the overlap.
Just to be perfectly clear, nothing here is meant to implicate that no one else, nor even no author of this website, writes papers that to some extent re-invent wheels. I think it will be quite a challenge in the next few decades as the amount of philosophical publications explode to prevent this kind of thing happening all the time. Sooner or later, no author (and certainly no referee) will reasonably be expected to know everything that has been written in any field larger than a niche. The solution I think, is the vast dissemination of papers before publication, so the community can collectively check for repetition in a way that no individuals can. I hope the daily papers blog can assist in that task.
And, to be even more perfectly clear, I dont think that Weintraubs paper is just reinventing the wheel. Of course, theres more to her paper than the ideas that seem to have been anticipated. (For example, and this is not insubstantial, there are further arguments for the position both seem to advocate.) I just think the paper would have been a little better had something been said about its relation to Bachs paper.