One of the nice side-effects

One of the nice side-effects of being on the road is that one has an excuse to read the print version of the New York Times. This is an especially nice luxury when travelling on Sunday, even if it means paying $4.75 for a newspaper. But it’s nice from time to time to see and feel articles in print, rather than always just on screen. And it’s nice to browse through articles, in a way that I never seem able to do with online papers. That could be a shortcoming of mine, rather than the medium’s, but until it’s fixed one way or t’other, I’ll have to occasionally pay for the print version.

This is all a rather roundabout way to note that one of the Times’s frequent contributors, one of the contributors I was reading yesterday between gumbo in Baton Rouge and simultaneous equations in coach class, Stanford prof Geoffrey Nunberg, has added this humble blog to his links list. So I cannot but return the favour. His site contains a mix of research papers and popular pieces, all of which are rewarding reading. There are few academic sites I could more strongly recommend.

And Painpill, formerly ‘counterfactual’ has added me to his blogroll. He says that he is not by nature an argumentative type, so maybe this isn’t the right place to be linking to, but linking it seems he is.

The philosophy papers blog has also been updated. I haven’t settled on a normal schedule since the Mardi Gras festivities, but maybe by tomorrow we will be back to normal.

UPDATE: If the links to these pages are not in the sidebar, it is Blogger’s fault, not mine – for some reason the template does not seem to be updating.