I’ve been translated: Arguments et

I’ve been translated: Arguments et Rants de pensées. I have no idea why it reverts to English part of the way down.
I think this is actually kind of cute, I don’t think I’ve seen anything I’ve written translated into another language, even by a machine, in the past.

So this afternoon I’m going to the paper by Zoltán Szabó at MIT. I was just looking over the handout for the talk, and I noticed there are lots of refernces to the Daily Planet, references to it of course as the place where Clark Kent et al work. But it took me a while to remember that was what it meant, because for me the main association with the word is a so-named and particularly prominent brothel just opposite the Elsternwick train station. Which, not coincidentally, was where I caught trains every day for a while a few years ago. The brothel has particularly elegant front doors opening out onto the street that runs alongside the train line, but for some reason those never seemed to be used. I guess there were slightly less prominent exits and entrances as well.

So now whenever says Daily Planet, my first reaction, a la BeavisandButthead, is something like, hehehehe he said Daily Planet hehehehe. I fear this won’t help me appreciate the philosophical points being made.