Just as I decide to

Just as I decide to write a paper on imaginative resistance, I see there is a whole book of papers about to appear on the topic. On the one hand, this is good news, for it helps my argument that the question is ripe. (I hate writing the bit of a philosophy paper that is pitched at the referee and the referee only, and only aims to convince him (ever her?) that the question the paper addresses is worth an article. Hate it. But if I don’t do it, who knows if anything I write will ever be published.) On the other hand, there is some chance that everything I say will be anticipated by the papers in the volume. Normally my preternatural confidence would assure me that I’m smarter than the people writing there, so I really shouldn’t worry about that possibility. But I know some of the people writing for that volume, so I know such confidence would be misplaced.