The comments are back! The

The comments are back! The papers blog will be running a bit late today, but for a little preview, here’s John Hawthorne’s contribution to the NYU seminar on factually defective discourse Epistemicism and Semantic Plasticity.

And this one isn’t new, but it seemed somehow relevant to the blog: Norman Swartz’s Philosophy as Blood Sport. Be sure if you read that to read through some of the letters in reply. It’s fun to try and predict which of the respondants will agree or disagree with the main conclusions.

UPDATE: And while you’re online, check out Geoff Nunberg’s Fresh Air piece on The Politics of Polysyndeton. It’s brilliant and witty and erudite and the jokes about it practically write themselves and that’s important when one is writing under time pressure and one doesn’t have an original idea in one’s wee little head.