The papers blog is finally up. Sorry for the delay, and for the lack of abstracts recently. Some days the abstracts are by far the slowest part of putting the entry together, so if I’m rushed and it’s a choice between not doing the day’s entry and doing it without abstracts, the abstracts go. They will be returning when business returns to something like normal.
The highlights of the day’s entries are three to-be-published papers by Tom Kelly on epistemology. If you are interested in this kind of thing (i.e. torture) there’s also a link on his page to a Notre Dame fansite. I don’t want to even think about sports of any kind until at least, well perhaps until Australia is in the World Cup final.
The semantics conference at the weekend was lots of fun, and I hope to have lots to report over the next week. It was odd having to constantly check whether things being said were for attribution or not. I felt like a weird kind of journalist. Some senior philosophers of language were permanently off the record, or at least I thought it was best to assume they were.