Old Posts

I just got a large pile of job applications to read, so posting will be light here the next week or so. (It’s probably unfair and/or illegal to blog about job applications, as tempting as it may be.) So now seems like as good a time as any to add a feature I’ve been meaning to add for a while – links to my favourite old posts, and to the old posts that contain good ideas I haven’t yet worked into solid papers.

One purpose of the blog is that it’s meant to be a scrapbook for ideas, a place to write them down so they don’t get lost. But between all the junk I post here there’s a chance they will get lost anyway. So now I have the posts that actually make a serious attempt to make philosophical progress located prominently.

Of course, several of the favourite posts are also junk by purely philosophical standards – I don’t think my parody of/homage to Joyce moves philosophy forward any, for example – but the workbench should just contain attempts at newish work.

Unfortunately many of the old posts had good comments threads that got lost in the transfer to MT. When I have less to do maybe I’ll try and reconstruct those. Also note that the old posts tend to have quirky formatting – some of them were before I learned to stop worrying and love CSS. Hopefully that doesn’t make them unreadable. Also note that the writing gets progressively worse as you move back in time. That might make some of the posts unreadable, or at least make it somewhat unclear what I was trying to say.