Scary Webbie

I just decided to rewrite the Truer paper with 4 days until its deadline, so posting might be light until this is done. So I’ll revert to the oldest trick in the blog-book – a bunch of links.

Val Plumwood on surviving a crocodile attack. I like the ending. As Dylan said, death is not the end. You’re still someone else’s food.

Brian Leiter quotes a long letter from a very observant soldier in Fallujah. Lots of telling analogies, as well as a sense of just how dangerous it must be for the people on the ground right now. (Hint: It’s slightly less bad than being in a crocodile’s death roll. Slightly.)

Brad DeLong on the latest reason why Bush, Cheney (and one supposes Ashcroft) should be impeached. I’m obviously biased, but I find the way this administration has treated citizens of allied countries (esp Britain, Australia and Canada) to be their most disturbing characteristic. For this bunch, that’s saying a lot.

And two stories about travelling in the South. A scary story about driving from Atlanta to Baton Rouge (via Sappho’s Breathing) and a much more enjoyable story about holidays in New Orleans. As I might have mentioned before, I’m going to Baton Rouge and New Orleans next month, so I’m lapping up these stories right now.