This isn’t normally a classifieds column, but I was asked to pass this along and it looks like it could be interesting to many readers.
bq.. *Research Fellowship in Philosophy*
Merton College proposes to elect to a four-year Research Fellowship in Philosophy to commence in October 2004. This career development post will provide a promising academic at an early stage in his or her career with the opportunity to develop skills in teaching and academic administration, in combination with substantial support for research. The teaching commitment will be up to six hours per week in full term and the College is particularly seeking candidates able to teach some of the following subjects: Elementary Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and the History of Philosophy from Descartes to Kant.
The stipend will be £20,671 p.a. and the Fellow will be entitled to meals in College and to other benefits.
Full details of the post and its conditions are set out in the further particulars, obtainable from the Sub-Wardens Secretary, Merton College, Oxford, OX1 4JD (e-mail: The closing date for applications is Friday 19 March 2004. Merton College is an equal opportunities employer.