“David Lewis on the internet”:http://www.david-lewis.org/links.php, via “wo”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/archive/2004/03/07/David_Lewis_and_Google. Wo also has a post up on “impossible fictions”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/archive/2004/03/06/Impossible_Fictions that I need to respond to, once I think of something intelligent to actually say.
Lewis Online
“David Lewis on the internet”:http://www.david-lewis.org/links.php, via “wo”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/archive/2004/03/07/David_Lewis_and_Google. Wo also has a post up on “impossible fictions”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/archive/2004/03/06/Impossible_Fictions that I need to respond to, once I think of something intelligent to actually say.