Harman on Davidson

More APA previews to present, this time Gil Harman’s wonderful “contribution to the symposium on Donald Davidson”:http://www.princeton.edu/~harman/Papers/Davidson.html. Here’s an excerpt.

bq. I first met Davidson at the American Philosophical meeting in December 1963 when he presented his paper, “Action, Reasons, and Causes,” a paper which contains the germ of many of the ideas he developed in the following years. I next saw him in the summer of 1965. I was teaching a course at Berkeley that summer. Hearing that Paul Grice was running a weekly seminar at Stanford, Tom Nagel, Barry Stroud, Tom Clark and I drove down to attend. In the seminar, Paul presented an early version of “Logic and Conversation,” with Davidson regularly asking for clarifications, “because otherwise what you say will just go in one ear and out the other.” Various other philosophers were at the seminar, including Michael Dummett, who later presented his own “antirealism” in opposition to Davidson’s “realism.” (However, I believe that at this time the big issue between them was whether Michael would go surfing with Davidson.)

I’ve linked to this before, but if you haven’t seen it you really should read Ernie Lepore’s “interview with Donald Davidson”:http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/interview.html that covers all sorts of topics about Davidson’s philosophy and life.