Here’s a sample of some of the quotes I took down during the APA. I was dying to use some of the off-the-record lines, particularly one great back-handed compliment of New York City, but I’m trying to keep up the impression I have some ethics.
As always, all quotes are out of context. Among other things, they were uttered in Pasadena and I’m writing them up at SFO to be posted from Providence. I probably mistranscribed most of them. And in some cases, particularly the first, I left out qualificatory clauses that change the meaning somewhat – almost like the way appending “NOT!!” does.
“I’m amazed that two critics who understood my book as well as they did could think I was wrong.”
bq. Scott Soames opening his reply by getting more laughs than I got all week.
“I have two quick questions. Both are obnoxious.”
bq. Torin Alter, who then proceeded to ask two of the least obnoxious questions I’ve heard. I asked the next question and it was, well, obnoxious.
bq. Frank Arntzeneuis showing what a ball accelerating to infinite speed while ricocheting back and forth does. (Very rough transcription.)
“The natural thing to say is the ball just disappears.”
bq. Frank doing some a priori physics about the same case.
“I’m sure Jerry Fodor needs no introduction. But this isn’t about Jerry’s needs.”
bq. Ken Taylor shewing that syntax jokes can always be made, and usually are funny.
“I shot an elephant in my pajamas. I don’t know how he got in them.”
bq. Groucho Marx via Jerry Fodor, ditto.
“If you read him long enough and interpret him in the right way, Descartes always turns out to be right about everything.”
bq. Jerry Fodor, revealing that he either believes in dualism or a very charitable interpretation of Descartes.
“Love the blog!”
bq. Many fans before my talk on Friday.
“Where was the !@#$%^& pie”
bq. Same fans after the pie-less talk on Friday.