“Eric Hiddleston”:http://web.syr.edu/~edhiddle/index.html, my successor-but-one as the Sutton Faculty Fellow at Syracuse, and of course a recent grad of my “employer-to-be”:http://www.arts.cornell.edu/phil/ has a “papers page”:http://web.syr.edu/~edhiddle/papers.html up with _many, many_ papers on metaphysics.
I’m a little surprised that he regards Humean supervenience as “the current metaphysical orthodoxy”:http://web.syr.edu/~edhiddle/research.html. I’m a Humean superveniencian, more or less, but I don’t feel like I’m on the majority side of many metaphysical debates. I certainly don’t think I’m going to feel like I’m in the majority at _Cornell_, but really anywhere outside New Jersey or Australia Humean supervenience has to struggle to retain its position.