Papers Blog – April 13

The “papers blog”: is up and there’s a few things to note.

First, the links to the PhilSci Archive don’t seem to be working, but I think that’s a temporary server problem.

Second, we have the first of the APA Central papers, in this case “Robert Allen’s”: “comments on Noel Hendrickson’s”: paper on free will, posted. Since I won’t be at the Central, I hope there are many more such papers posted in the next week or so.

(Why won’t I be at the APA Central? Three reasons. First, I’m already going to too many conferences this semester. Second, the Cubbies do better in years I don’t go to Chicago, and I feel some sympathy for Cubs fans. Third, it would mean going to all three APA conferences in an academic year, and that seems excessive. To be sure I went to all three APA conferences in calendar year 2003, but that’s somehow different.)

Third, there are a large number of papers that aren’t new to the web but that I hadn’t noticed before. These include papers by “Gabriel Segal”:, “Brian Skyrms”: and “Kai Wehmeier”:

The “journals survey”: is ticking along nicely with 152 votes in so far. Keep those votes coming in! I think Brown’s email service is working again, so my delays in responding to email are now _mostly_ due to laziness/inefficiency than technical problems. But at least I should get votes. (UPDATE: I spoke too soon. Now my outgoing mail server – run by Cox not Brown – is down, so I can’t send out messages. My excuses for not replying in a timely manner to mail just keep growing!)