My intuitionist probability paper has appeared! I can’t tell if this is subscriber only, so maybe not everyone will be able to access it, but the website is “here”:
I’m happy the paper appeared, but I might have rather it waited a few more weeks. I’m meant to do a talk on intuitionist probability in a few weeks and I was sort of hoping the paper wouldn’t have come out so I could in complete good conscience just talk about things from the paper. (I try and stick to the policy, which I think is widespread, that it’s OK to talk about unpublished papers, but not published ones.) Hopefully hardly anyone at the talk will have actually, er, read the paper so I can get away with mostly doing that, but now I feel I better add _something_ new.
Anyway, I’m very grateful to NDJFL for printing the paper, even if their efficiency has put me in a bit of a bind.