More Annoucements

One new blog and a new philosophy site below the fold. In both cases the text is taken largely from emails I was sent annoucing the sites in question.

“Prosblogion”: is a topical blog devoted to philosophy of religion. Posting has already begun but they are still adding members.

The “Italian Website for Philosophy”: is pleased to announce the publication of a new version of its Free Online Dictionary Of Philosophy, “FOLDOP 3.0”:

The Dictionary includes original entries authored by professional philosophers (in both the ‘analytic’ and the ‘continental’ traditions), as well as acknowledged ‘reprints’ of entries kindly authorised by many online dictionaries scattered around the web. Its features include:

* 2,420 concise entries;
* new downloadable off-line version with active links;
* new powerful search engine;
* new user-friendly interface.

FOLDOP is updated continuosly, thanks to the support of a team of volunteers and of the wider philosophical community. If you would like to contribute a new entry, or improve an existing one, please refer to the guidelines on the “FOLDOP home page”: and to the “Forthcoming Entries page”: