
So _Mind_ rejected my paper on Patrick’s _Vagueness as Tolerance_. I was a little disappointed, especially since it was a relatively positive referee’s report for a rejection, but I should be able to cannabalise most of the paper for other purposes.

The two-boundary problem can be worked into the first section of the Defining Vagueness paper I’ve been sketching the last few days. The section about disjunctive Sorites arguments has already appeared in _True, Truer, Truest_ and will probably be worked into a longer paper one day on pragmatic responses to the Sorites. And the vague demonstratives point I might turn into a self-standing paper for _Analysis_ or something similar.

Still, it would have been nice to have a paper in _Mind_. I’m now 0fer something moderately large there – I think 4 or 5. On the other hand it’s been years since any other journal has turned down one of my little offerings. If I didn’t _like_ that journal I wouldn’t keep sending things there.