I’m doing the after-dinner talk at the conference on the a priori at Syracuse next month, so I’ve been trying to revise my paper on the deeply contingent a priori for just this setting. Since the original paper was written to try and get a job offer from _the people who edit Philosophical Review_, it wasn’t exactly sparkling after-dinner stuff. And it’s not exactly finished yet. I really need to work on section 4, and I need to add _many_ jokes (“A modal rationalist walks into a bar and the barman says…” etc) but it’s a start. There may be more versions of this posted here in the future.
bq. *From Anti-Scepticism to the Contingent A Priori*
“PDF of paper/speaking notes”:http://brian.weatherson.org/fastcap.pdf
“Powerpoint presentation”:http://brian.weatherson.org/fastcap.ppt