Female-Friendly Philosophy Departments

“Julie van Camp”:http://www.csulb.edu/~jvancamp/bio.html has a short paper posted about “Female-Friendly [Philosophy] Departments”:http://www.csulb.edu/%7Ejvancamp/Female_Friendly.html. It’s framed as an evaluation of how sensitive the _Gourmet Report_ is to gender considerations, but that part of the paper was fairly inconclusive in its conclusions, and at some points in its arguments. But towards the end there are several good points raised that seem like worthwhile considerations for people wanting to choose grad departments. The points are framed as considerations that women might take into account before picking graduate departments, but presumably they are more general than that. If the main downside of faculty dating students is that it leads to _other_ students receiving less attention, and (in practice) most such relationships involve male faculty and female students, then that looks like a consideration _male_ students should be equally worried about. Having said that, there are enough actual case studies of this to look at that we shouldn’t have to be quite as hypothetical as Van Camp is in her discussion about what the possible costs of such relationships are.