Papers Blog – September 28

The “papers blog”: is up featuring four papers by fellow Monash alum “John O’Dea”: (They don’t have abstracts because I couldn’t figure out how to cut-and-paste from the PDFs available. This is a common problem I find, and I don’t quite know what to do about it.)

While looking at everyone’s web pages I saw that there’s a new volume of Mind our featuring a 72-page paper on variable grade predicates by Oliver and Smiley. I remember back in the old days (circa 1999) when you had a paper 60 to 90 pages long it was a bit of a disaster because it was too long for a journal and too short for a book. In recent years _Mind_ seems to have taken it upon itself to fill in that niche. (Philosophical Review took some of those papers, though of course it’s _very_ hard to get into, and _Philosophers’ Imprint_ also takes long papers because they aren’t burdened by printing costs.) I’m glad this void is being filled, though I worry this will make _Mind_ either too hard to get into (and it wasn’t easy to start with) or too backlogged. But the good news is that papers that are naturally that length don’t have to be chopped to journal size or padded to book length any more.