There are 240 jobs in the November JFP, but that doesn’t mean much without an analysis of how many are new jobs as opposed to repeat ads from the October JFP, and how good the jobs are. Hopefully I’ll do that soon, but for now I have a million (actually just 125) applications to read so it might take a while.
The potential bad news for Cornell from this JFP is that Harvard, NYU and Stanford are now all advertising potential junior jobs. It would make a lot of sense for a junior candidate to take a job at Cornell over Harvard in most circumstances because of tenure considerations, and the Stanford job is in logic which narrows the field. But the NYU job is open and I worry that if we get into a bidding war for a candidate with them we’ll have about as much chance of winning as the Sox had of coming back from being behind in the 9th inning of game 4 of the ALCS to win the world series. (That’s now my standard for a reasonable possibility – about a 1 in 300 chance if I’ve done the sums correctly.) Did I mention that Ithaca is very pretty in fall and very attractive houses are more or less being given away up here?