I was just reading “Bill Lycan’s _Mind_ review of Jonathan Bennett’s Guide to Conditionals”:http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/mind/2005/00000114/00000453/art00116. I’m meant to be reviewing that book as well, and now I have to face the fact that not only is my review late, there is no way it will be as good as an existing review of the book.
I thought Lycan’s analysis of the three paradigms guiding work on conditionals was a really positive insight. So I probably learned more from reading Lycan’s short review than I learn from most long articles. Strongly recommended.
But this post isn’t here to make a substantive philosophical point, but rather note a bizarre anomoly. On the ingenta page for Lycan’s review, the keywords for his article are listed as
bq. *antitumor vaccination; gene therapy; melanoma; phase I/II trial; renal cell carcinoma*
I’m sure there’s a connection between renal cell carcinoma and conditionals, but the article doesn’t exactly make it explicit.