
Jamie Dreier sent along a couple of interesting links that you might enjoy checking out.

The first is a radio show, WBUR’s “On Point”. It features Michael Lynch and Simon Blackburn talking about truth.

bq. “Truth on the Radio”:

The second is a review by Jim Holt (who has written some good articles for _Slate_) of Harry Frankfurt’s _On Bullshit_ and Simon Blackburn’s _Truth: A Guide_ from the latest _New Yorker_.

bq. “Truth reviewed”:

With that I have to take another leave of the blog. I’m impersonating a jetsetting young professional for the next few weeks, spending time in Prague, London, Oxford (very briefly) and Barcelona. I’m looking forward to lots of philosophising and holidaying, two of my very favourite activities. Unless I post from the road, I’ll be back here in three weeks.