Lewis Blog Updates

After some technical glitches came up, I moved the Lewis blog to a new site. The new address is:

bq. “http://lewisblog.weatherson.org”:http://lewisblog.weatherson.org

That address is still propagating through the internet, so if it doesn’t work for the next few hours, don’t panic!

I’ve also moved and improved the RSS feed.

bq. “RSS Feed for Lewis Blog”:http://lewisblog.weatherson.org/index.rdf

It should now have full entries in the RSS feed.

I realised while doing this that I might now have full entries in the RSS feed enabled for TAR. If anyone is reading this using an RSS reader and has noticed that they aren’t getting full entries (not that I use extended entries on TAR very often) could you let me know and I’ll try and fix the problem. For example, this entry should have a Lewis quote at the end. If it doesn’t, you aren’t seeing the full entry.

bq. “My proposal could be called an elimination of theoretical terms, if you insist; for to define them is to show how to do without them. But it is better called a vindication of theoretical terms; for to defined them is to show that there is no good reason to want to do without them.” _How to Define Theoretical Terms_, page 427.