Papers Galore

The online papers blog has fallen into a little bit of disrepair (that will hopefully get fixed shortly) but in the meantime I should note a few updates. So here are two.

* “Tim Crane’s online papers”: including “Is there a perceptual relation?”: and “Brentano’s Concept of Intentional Inexistence”: (both Word docs.)
* John Hawthorne and Daniel Nolan, “What Would Telelogical Causation Be?”: (PDF)
* Alex Byrne, “Soames on Quine and Davidson”: (PDF)
* Andy Egan, “Imagination, Delusion and Self-Deception”: (PDF)
* Jonathan Ichikawa, “Truth and Truth in Fiction: Authorial Authority and Making it So”: (PDF)
* Richard Heck, “Frege’s Contribution to Philosophy of Language”: (PDF)
* Robert Williams’s “Work in Progress Page”: including “Is supervaluational consequence logically revisionary?”: (PDF)
* Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence, “Concepts”: from the SEP