Link City

I’m on the road now (and have been for a while) so access to things like email is a little spotty. Apologies to everyone to whom I’ve been slow in responding. Meanwhile, here are some random things I’ve come across while crying into my beers over the Warne-McGrath retirements.

* I’m going to a conference on Ryle and Ryle-influenced philosophy at “Ryerson University”: next year. The dates aren’t set, but this looks like it should be very enjoyable.

* For this holiday giving season, “Peter Singer”: had an interesting article in the NY Times about charitable giving. Singer makes some quite practical suggestions for what high income (and that includes I’m sure some readers of this blog) earners should be giving.

* “PEA Soup”: has a thread going on notable ethics papers. I’m very grateful to them for putting this up, and following along with interest.

* The call for papers for next year’s “TARK”: (theoretical aspects of rationality and knowledge) closes relatively soon.