Recent Compass Articles

There has been a pretty steady flow of new articles to “Philosophy Compass”: in recent months. Here is a list of what we’ve recently posted.

* “Hobbes’s Reply to the Fool”:, By Michael LeBuffe, Texas A&M University.
* “Moral Rationalism vs. Moral Sentimentalism: Is Morality More Like Math or Beauty?”:, By Michael B. Gill, University of Arizona.
* “A Field Guide to Social Construction”:, By Ron Mallon, University of Utah.
* “Experimental Philosophy”:, By Joshua Knobe, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
* “Analytic Epistemology and Experimental Philosophy”:, By Joshua Alexander and Jonathan M. Weinberg, Indiana University, Bloomington.
* “Morality and Psychology”:, By Chrisoula Andreou, University of Utah.
* “Religion in the Public Square”:, By Edward Langerak, St. Olaf College.
* “Moral Explanation”:, By Brad Majors, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
* “Probability in the Everett Interpretation”:, By Hilary Greaves, Rutgers University.

Clicking on any of those links will take you to the (freely available) article abstracts. And if you like the look of the articles, feel free to ask your library to carry Compass!