Around the Web

A few links and stuff for the morning, while we grade and/or wait for the world cup to start.

* The “Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique”: has a very large selection of scout badges for successful (and not so successful) scientists. I especially like the “I left the respectable sciences to pursue humanistic studies of the sciences”: badge, but you may have your own favourite. (HT: Elizabeth Lee)
* A new romantic comedy starring a middle-aged Jack Nicholson, with a certain resemblance to a Stanley Kubrik movie, has a “trailer on “YouTube”: (HT: Andrew McGonigal)
* If you’d rather win the world cup from your own computer, and have several hours between grading to spare playing online cricket games, you’ll love “Stick Cricket”: If you are susceptible to timesinks, you’ll hate me for posting this.
* The Michigan grad students have a new blog, “Go Grue”: I’m always pleased to see new grad student group blogs; it’s a good way to get ideas talked about.
* There is a “nice article about Terence Tao”: in the NY Times this morning. As many of you will know, I was one year away from being Prof Tao’s teammate on the Australian Maths Olympiad team. There are a few interesting comments in the article about the move from doing maths competitions to becoming a professional mathematician.