Compass Articles

There have been several very high-quality articles come through Compass in recent weeks. As usual, clicking the links takes you to the free abstract. If you want to subscribe, please pressure your institution. (Subscriptions are, I’m told, growing at a very rapid pace for a new journal, so your institution may already subscribe.)

* “Into the Conventional-Implicature Dimension”:, by Christopher Potts, University of Massachusetts
* “External World Skepticism”:, by John Greco, Saint Louis University
* “The Search for Neural Correlates of Consciousness”:, by Jakob Hohwy, Monash University
* “Laws of Biology, Laws of Nature: Problems and (Dis)Solutions”:, by Andrew Hamilton , Arizona State University
* “Hume on Miracles: Interpretation and Criticism”:, by James E. Taylor , Westmont College
* “Unity and Diversity in Feminist Legal Theory”:, by Margaret Davies , Flinders University