Quick Links

I’m mostly just worrying about (a) the Grand Final and (b) the pile of editing on my desk. But here are some other quick points.

* The Sage School has “a new website”:http://www.arts.cornell.edu/phil/. It would have had one earlier if I didn’t insist on trying (and failing) to build one in house. But the site looks pretty good I think.
* As part of that site, there is “an announcement of an open position”:http://www.arts.cornell.edu/phil/announcements/searches/. It’s basically to replace me, but since I was there as a generalist, it really is a quite open search. (Or at least so I gather, I don’t have any special leads on this since I’m not playing that central a role in the search.)
* I’m getting rather excited about all the “Australian bars and restaurants in NYC”:http://www.theage.com.au/news/in-depth/big-apple-embraces-little-australia/2007/09/07/1188783490403.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1. And I’m glad _The Age_ is using the term “Little Australia”; I thought only I was crazy enough to use it. It might be fun to watch footy games at some of those places.
* I’ve been using “Jottit”:http://www.jottit.com quite a bit, and it seems like a really useful site.
* The UConn grad student blog is no more, but some of the former contributors have set up their own blogs, including “Alexis McLeod”:http://www.philosophy.uconn.edu/grad/mcleod.htm, “Colin Caret”:http://www.philosophy.uconn.edu/grad/caret.htm and “Aaron Cotnoir”:http://cotnoir.wordpress.com/, who has “an interesting post up on paraconsistent modal logic”:http://cotnoir.wordpress.com/2007/09/19/contingency-in-lp/.