I’m mostly just writing lecture notes for the upcoming term and paying more attention to vice-presidential rumours than baseball rumours. So some links to keep the blog moving.
- The situation for “philosophy at University of Melbourne”:http://consequently.org/news/2008/08/20/pain_stress_redundancies_another_day_at_the_office/index.php seems to be very unpleasant. The University of Melbourne is, or at least has been, a great university, and the excellent philosophers there deserve much better treatment from their administrators.
- “Andrej Bauer”:http://math.andrej.com/2008/08/13/intuitionistic-mathematics-for-physics/ on why physicsists should care about intuitionistic mathematics. (HT: “Greg Restall”:http://consequently.org/.)
- “Peter Railton and Don Loeb”:http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/13443 debate moral realism.
- I may not have put this up before, but here’s Wo’s feed of “Online Papers in Philosophy”:http://www.umsu.de/wo/opp.rss.
- Via that feed, Ross Cameron argues that “There are no things that are Musical Works”:http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~phlrpc/There%20are%20no%20musical%20works.pdf, and Nico Kolodny discusses a puzzles about “Ifs and Oughts”:http://johnmacfarlane.net/ifs-and-oughts.pdf.
- Richard Price emailed to tell me about “Academia.edu”:http://www.academia.edu/, which could be a useful way of keeping up with academics, and more importantly their work, throughout the world.
- Finally, as much as it pains me to write this, congratulations to the British Olympic team for identifying the valuable intersection of “complex demonstratives and rowing”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2008/aug/07/olympics.acernethercottinterview, and of “running and taboo vocabulary”:http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=509.