Workshop Followup

As I advertised here, we ran a one-day methodology workshop at Rutgers last week. I think it was a success, though one of (several) things I didn’t organise was recording devices. (I messed up on this; I should have had at least audio recording.) Thanks to Josh Knobe, Liz Harman, Michael Strevens and Jenny Nado for doing great talks, and an audience who asked engaged and smart questions.

The cost of the conference to my research account was a little over $1000, mostly for lunch. And most people who travelled there would have paid less than $20. A few people came from a little further away, but I think the overall cost of the conference, including costs incurred by the attendees, was under $2000. If you do the same equation for most 2-3 day conferences, the costs can fly past $100,000, maybe well past it. Most of those conferences are better than the one we ran at Rutgers, but probably not 50-100 times better. In terms of ‘bang-for-the-buck’, I think a one-day workshop with local speakers is a very good model.