
I managed to break a lot of the inner workings of TAR last week while tinkering with something that I thought was unrelated. Fortunately, Michael Kremer alerted me that there was a problem, and it should be now under control. (I’d broken TAR’s .htaccess file while tinkering with hotlink protection in case you’re interested. It turns out to be really easy to do this on a WordPress blog.) Things should be up and running again, and I updated quite a few things while trying to figure out the problem. So let me know if you see any non-content-related bugs, and thanks to Michael for the alert.

Speaking of blogs, the Rutgers grad students have a blog: “Discovering Truths and Announcing Them”:http://dtaatb.weebly.com/index.html. It looks good, and there is already a bit of activity in the comments threads.

And speaking of grad students, I want to thank everyone at MIT for both their hospitality and their insightful comments when I presented _Do Judgments Screen Evidence?_ there last week. I’ll post something soon about the things I learned there.

There’s a new society at the APA.

bq. The inaugural David Kellogg Lewis Society Group Meeting next Thursday! 2010 American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, Thursday April 1, 8-10pm. Our special guest speaker will be Terry Horgan, “Quantification with Crossed Fingers.” Also appearing: Richard Hanley: “Counterfactuals, Backtracking, and Time Travel.”

I liked this picture of a spot on the river I frequently walk by; I wish I could take pictures like this.