I liked Bob Beddor’s post about “when it can be epistemically rational to believe something because it will be useful to believe it”:http://dtaatb.weebly.com/1/post/2010/04/how-to-rationally-base-a-belief-on-the-expected-utility-of-holding-it.html. It’s always important to remember self-referential cases when making universal generalisations about propositions!
It’s nice that Philosophers’ Imprint has instructions for how to make your paper in “LaTeX”:http://www.philosophersimprint.org/about.html#Submissions, and even nicer that the relevant macros are on “CTAN”:http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/philosophersimprint/ and included in the standard TeXLive distribution. I wish more journals would simply let me typeset my own papers, rather than rely on rounds of proof readings.
I’m also excited about “Latex for Google Docs”:http://docs.latexlab.org/, though it will be more useful when we can use our own packages, like the Imprint package, with ease.
This “iPad review”:http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/4/11/856114/-My-iPad-as-a-tool makes the iPad sound like a very pretty, but ultimately expensive and fairly impractical, netbook. Apple-exclusive users might have missed the fact that lightweight computers are no longer _more_ expensive than heavier computers – in fact the MacBook Air might be the last computer that sold at a substantial premium simply for being light.