I’ve really had nothing to add about the war, but I might pass along things that seem worthwhile. I don’t agree with everything here, but it seems more sensible than a lot of things you’ll see written about the war.

Comments by Ruth Simmons, Brown President, Wednesday March 19

Two nights ago, the President revealed to the world his intention to
invade the nation of Iraq if the President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein,
fails to acquiesce to conditions spelled out to avoid imminent attack.
American troops in the region are now in a high state of readiness and
it is expected that, unless Saddam Hussein and his sons step down, the
United States and its allies in this conflict will declare war and move
militarily against the Hussein regime.

A declaration of war is a grave step. Every individual of conscience
and concern will inevitably be praying-up to the moment of military
engagement-for the possibility that conflict and loss of lives can be
avoided. Yet, as much as we pray for peace, we must be prepared for
what could unfold in the days and months ahead if war should come.

Modern means of superpower conflict resolution and warfare can appear
deceptively distant from our lives. The complexity of the issues and
the enigmatic historical and political factors that often generate a
nation’s actions can make it unlikely if not impossible that the
average citizen will feel qualified and empowered to make a judgment or
offer an opinion as to the justness of any declaration of war.
Technological advances in war-making and the removal of conscription as
a means of raising an army might have a tendency to make us feel that
such decisions are far removed from our immediate sphere of concern.
In addition, the deployment of extraordinary force intended to minimize
casualties can suggest that impact will be minimal, and efficiency is
assured. I have heard many declare in recent weeks that, even if such
an action commences, the war will be over swiftly.

If all of this is true-that the issues are far too complex for the non
expert to engage and fully comprehend, that there will be minimal
casualties, and that the war will be over quickly-it still does not
absolve a democratic people from its fundamental responsibilities to
probe rigorously the causes and circumstances of war, to be active in
understanding how the conflict progresses, and to participate in a
process by which our government is continuously informed of the
opinions of the public that it represents. I urge that you not make
this war, however brief, however minimal, however complex, a distant
issue that you perceive at the comfortable periphery of your daily

There are times in our lives when the discomfort of caring too much is
welcome. I hope that you feel some of that now as our friends and
families face the prospect that their loved ones and friends,
colleagues and acquaintances, may encounter a terrifying choice of
laying down their lives for the country that they love. Some of the
staff at Brown have been called up for active military duty. Many of
the relatives of students, faculty and staff are now on the

I hope you will feel some of that now as we see families hunker down
with deep uncertainty about the present safety and future outlook for
their children. Terror and war acknowledge no innocents or
bystanders. All pay the price.

In the weeks ahead, we will need to pursue every course to understand
better what is taking place. We will need to study this region, as
never before, to understand how we can play a fruitful role in helping
to foster peace and stability there and elsewhere. We will need to be
respectful of the tremendous price being paid daily by American
soldiers and public servants. We will need to resist the temptation to
be bystanders or indifferent observers of these distant, complex events.

In such times as these, each individual must decide how they wish to
respond to events of this magnitude. Some will decide that the best
direction is to conquer fear and to proceed with life, drawing out of
one’s daily experience a fuller measure of what it means to live in
safety and freedom. Some will decide that direct involvement is
required and will participate with others in either supporting or
condemning the war. Still others might decide to focus on the
aftermath of war and on long-term measures for reducing world conflict,
instability and inequality.

Universities have a particularly important role to play in the advent
of war. As in all times, universities must today cling to their
commitment to the dispassionate search for truth. The danger of self
interest overwhelming truth is most acute in these moments. At a time
when we are at risk and fearful of attack, the relentless examination
of the many facets of our intellectual, political and social
perspectives can give way to a more passive role. As scholars, true to
our task, we are morally obligated to continue and strengthen that
examination, bringing to light questions and insights that could be
useful to the nation in the unwinding of war and the restoration of
peace and prosperity. The task of the scholar to probe deeply and the
role of the university to foster edifying debate must be protected
especially in times of war.

Civil discourse, the primary medium for the advancement of this debate
in a healthful context, will be important as we help the nation through
the days ahead. Advocates of war should have their say and so should
the advocates of peace. While the battlefront is understandably not
the site for respectful, orderly exchange, we can cast a vote for
peaceful resolution by maintaining our commitment to orderly debate and
examination in spite of innermost doubt and fear. We will be
establishing forums for discussion, we will be encouraging continued
study throughout this conflict, and we will be emphasizing what is to
be learned in singular moments such as this.

I ask several things of you in this difficult moment. First, that you
take great care in your comings and goings, observing the safety
guidelines placed at your disposal. Second, that you determine to be
resolute in your studies so that you do not squander the tremendous
opportunity you have to develop your intelligence in the service of the
world. Third, that you remember how difficult it is for all those who
do not sleep in safety, eat in abundance, and live in freedom. Fourth,
that you act honorably in this moment and according to the dictates of
your conscience, taking care to respect the right of others to do the
same even if they are diametrically opposed to the part you have
taken. Fifth, that you remember to bring this close to you, taking in
the lessons of war. Finally, I ask that you continue to pray every day
for the safety of all those caught up in this conflict, whether friend
or foe.

We are fortunate to have such a good President.

In other news, I seem to have jinxed Holy Cross. If you want me to do the same thing to your team’s opponents, well I’ll be here all week. Are Cal the highest Leiter ranked team in the tournament? If they get bounced who would take that honour?

UPDATE: Silly question on my part. Pittsburgh are a #2 seed in the tournament, and #5 on Leiter. I guess they’ll retain the honour of being best philosophy school in the tournament for at least a while.

FURTHER UPDATE: Dave Chalmers notes that Arizona are a #1 seed and #8 on Leiter, so their STL (seed times Leiter ranking) of 8 is the lowest of any school. Pitt comes in at 10. If only NYU would spend as much on basketball as on philosophy, I’m sure they could have an STL of 1.