Quick random thoughts while half watching basketball and half working.
Holy Cross is beating Marquette. Amazing!
Chris Bertram links to an explosive email by Alex Miller about the RAE. Part of what Miller says is that journal articles published in journals edited by ones colleagues should not count as much as other journal articles towards ones productivity measure. I do hope this idea does not catch hold.
My counterexamples paper got accepted in Phil Studies, and I just got an email about my constructive probability paper saying it is still under consideration. I had pretty much given up on it.
For amusement, check out how many hits Simon Keller has received from being linked on Matthew Yglesiass weblog. I think Matthew has more readers per day than PPR has subscribers, so you know this is a real new media story.
UPDATE: The quick summary of Millers email above is somewhat misleading. Miller makes a number of complaints about Bradford RAE evaluation, and the point about journals edited in-house was a relatively minor complaint in the overall structure of the letter. If you want more detail, well its probably best to read what Miller wrote than to read my fairly tendentious summaries. Thanks to Chris Bertram for pointing out that this needed some qualification, though I doubt this goes quite as far as Chris would think appropriate.