We’ve already had a (very interesting) talk by Peter Ludlow this week, and there are two more to come.
First on Thursday, Mark Johnson (Linguistics and Cog Sci, Brown) is talking on Features of Statistical Parsers. Here’s the abstract.
bq. Statistical models of syntactic structure are now the dominant approach to natural language parsing. This talk begins with a survey of these statistical models, explaining the trade-offs in the various ways that non-local context can be accounted for in probabilistic models of syntactic structure. The talk ends with a description of a reranking parser, and the kinds of features of syntactic structure that it uses to achieve good performance.
And on Friday Chris Taylor (Philosophy, Oxford) is talking on Courage in the Protagoras and Nicomachean Ethics.
Both talks are at 4.30, Johnson’s in Morill Hall 111 and Taylor’s in Goldwin Smith 142.